GottaGoFastRAM, 8MB Autoconfig Fast RAM for your Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, CDTV, and the Terrible Fire TF534 accelerator.
Designed to be installed on top of the CPU socket, GottaGoFastRAM provides 8MB of Autoconfig Fast RAM to your Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 or CDTV. It is also an excellent option for the Terrible Fire 534 accelerator, allowing you to get a total of 12MB (4+8) of Fast RAM.
Another card, the IDE68K + GottaGo FastRAM 8MB, includes an IDE interface and it is available here.

• 8MB of Autoconfig FastRAM
• Compatible with Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, CDTV, and Terrible Fire TF534
• Compatible with our trapdoor Memory Expansions for Amiga 500 and Amiga 500 Plus
• GottaGoFastRAM is installed on top of the CPU socket and the original processor on top of it. Therefore, the space inside your Amiga is still available for additional hardware.
• Assembled in AMIGAstore™
• A500/500+/2000 version, or CDTV version
• Modified Kickstart ROM 1.3
• Relocator Adapter
Nota: Si tu socket CPU se encuentra en mal estado, o bien tienes uno de esos (raros) tipos de socket de bajo perfil, la GottaGoFastRAM podría tender a salirse del socket. Por esta razón, si este es tu caso, recomendamos usar este artículo con el Relocator (disponible como opción), el cual soluciona el problema al ser capaz de ensamblar pines de mayor longitud.
Warranty: 3 years
Manual: included
This card has been designed by LIV2 and is based on the mem68k from mkl. Manufactured in-house by™