PiStorm for Amiga 500, Amiga 500+, and Amiga 2000.
PiStorm is an adapter which uses a Raspberry Pi to provide a CPU accelerator (23,44 MIPS), RTG graphics card with high resolution modes through HDMI, hard disk interface (23MB/s), Wifi, and others enhancements. It has been designed to be installed inside Amiga 500/500+, or Amiga 2000.
PiStorm version for Amiga 1200 (PiStorm32) is available here. PiStorm version for Amiga 600 is available here.
The device is plug and play if you add the SD card and Rasberry Pi options. SD card includes the Raspberry Pi configuration, a pre-configured installation of licensed AmigaOS 3.1, 3.1.4, or 3.2.2 (Hotfix), and applications & games freely distributable (legal). The Amiga 500 CPU relocator adapter will let you fit the complete PiStorm solution inside an Amiga 500 with the original case and keyboard.
If you want to add 512 or 1MB of CHIP RAM, please check our Trapdoor Memory Expansions for Amiga 500 and Amiga 500 Plus. They are the perfect complement to the PiStorm.

• Amiga 500 and 500+, and Amiga 2000 compatibility (in place of the original CPU).
• 68020 (23,44 MIPS) default configuration.
• Multiple CPU configuration options (68020/68030/68040).
• 128MB of Z3 memory.
• RTG Graphics Card with high resolution modes through HDMI.
• Wifi card to connect the Amiga to Internet or to a LAN.
• Pre-configured 64GB SD card with licensed AmigaOS and legal applications & games.
• CPU relocator adapter to fit easily the accelerator into the standard Amiga 500/500+ case.
• Assembled in AMIGAstore™.
• Compatible Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+.
• Pre-configured 64GB SD card with licensed AmigaOS and legal applications & games.
• CPU relocator adapter to fit easily the accelerator into the standard Amiga 500/500+ case.
• Amiga 500, Amiga 500 Plus or Amiga 2000.
• Kickstart 2.05, 3.0, 3.1, 3.1.4, 3.2, 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 (+Hotfix).
Warranty: two years. Installation manual: included.
© PiStorm developers. Manufactured in-house by AMIGAstore.eu™.