
RGB2HDMI Amiga 600 FFC

RGB2HDMI FFC interface is an adapter which uses a Raspberry Pi to covert the RGB signal of your Amiga 600 to digital HDMI. This solution adds pixel-perfect HDMI output to Amiga computer and lets you connect monitors and TVs with an HDMI input. RGB2HDMI software is supplied on the included SD card. The necessary Raspberry Zero board is available as a product option.

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RGB to HDMI converter for Amiga 600

RGB2HDMI FFC interface is an adapter which uses a Raspberry Pi to covert the RGB signal of your Amiga 600 to digital HDMI. This solution adds pixel-perfect HDMI output to Amiga computer and lets you connect monitors and TVs with an HDMI input. The necessary Raspberry Zero board and RGB2HDMI software are available as product options

This solution uses two adapter boards. First board goes on top of de Denise PLLC chip. Second board is attached through a FFC cable to the first one and contains the logic ICs and the Raspberry Pi connector. This solution allows the Raspberry Pi to be placed in different areas inside the A600, and thus be mechanically compatible with any accelerator or internal expansion. The RGB2HDMI FCC will allow you to attach the top case of the Amiga 600 and close it as usual.

Note: the RGB2HDMI converter is compatible with any Chip memory expansion as our Amiga 600 expansion, Fast RAM expansion, PiStorm A600, and other accelerators and expansions (Furia, ACA, Indivision, etc).

RGB2HDMI Amiga 600 FCC RGB2HDMI Amiga 600 FCC



• Amiga 600 computer
• Raspberry Pi Zero (any variant) and RGB2HDMI software in SD - available as option
• Mini-HDMI to HDMI adapter or adapter cable - available as option

Product includes:

• RGB2HDMI adapter for Amiga 600
• External push button to allow forcing of specific output resolutions and other tweakss
• Raspberry Pi Zero W and configured SD card with RGB2HDMI software - available as option
• Mini-HDMI to HDMI cable - available as option

Instruction manual: not included. Warranty: 3 years

Designed by Solarmon. Based on the OpenSource RGB2HDMI project by c0pperdragon & hoglet67. Manufactured in-house by™.

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