
USB Floppy Emulator - Gotek

New version with two LEDs and buzzer! The Gotek Floppy Emulator allows you use USB memory sticks instead floppy disks on Amiga and other systems. This device is flashed with the last FlashFloppy firmware for Amiga/Atari/Amstrad/Sinclair/Acorn/IBM-PC computers or the last universal HxC firmware for Amiga, Atari, Amstrad, Sinclair, and any computer or device with a Shugart/PC floppy interface. A buzzer which emulates the floppy drive sound is included with all Gotek variants. OLED display and Rotary Selector are available as option. 

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The Gotek-USB Floppy Emulator can replace different kind of floppy disk drive and allows you use USB stick memories instead floppy disks. The Black version of Gotek is available here. The Internal version for Amiga 500, Amiga 600, and Amiga 1200 is available here.

New version includes a buzzer which emulates the floppy drive sound and two LEDs. Green LED indicates disk access, and a red LED indicates disk changes.

This floppy emulator is flashed with the last FlashFloppy firmware for Amiga/Atari/Amstrad/Acorn/IBM-PC, or the universal HxC firmware for Amiga, Amstrad CPC 6128, Atari ST, Sinclair Spectrum +3, and any computer, keyboard, sampler, or CNC machine with a Shugart/PC floppy interface (*).

On the Amiga, the Atari ST, and the Amstrad CPC 6128, you can select the floppy image files through the comfortable On screen display software. Once done the computer restart on the first image selected. In the actual version you can select up to 999 images on the 3 digits display.

The package includes a Gotek USB floppy emulator drive (with the 34pin standar IDC floppy connector), and flashed with the last firmware from FlashFloppy or HxC.

Note : USB stick memory is not included (available as option). Manual not included. For more information or a guide to use it, please visit the FlashFloppy support page or the HxC support page.

(*) The HxC firmware is compatible with a huge amount of computers and machines (CNC, keyboards, samplers, etc). A vast, but non exhaustive list of supported devices is available here.

External floppy drive adapter for Amiga computers (available as option)External disk drive adapter M1

Add a second drive to your Amiga! Compatible with Gotek and HxC floppy drive emulators.

Suitable for GOTEK and HxC floppy drive emulators. Connect this interface between the rear external DB23 interface port of your Amiga and the GOTEK or the HxC floppy emulator. The unit will show on Workbench as a genuine DF1.

Provided with the power cord and the IDC34 data cable. Easy connection. Instructions not included.

DF0/DF1 Selector (available as option)
DF0 Boot Selector

Please note Kickstart 1.3 does not boot from DF1. With Kickstart 2.x/3.x you can start from an external unit (DF1), but in both cases the most of the games will boot only if the floppy drive is inserted in DF0, no matter whether you have Kickstart 2.x/3.x or not.

Our DF0 selector solves this issue. It works on any Amiga 500/500+/2000/3000* regardless of the Kickstart version. Also it is compatible with floppy disk drive emulators as the Gotek or the HxC. The DF0 selector is available as option at this page and also as a separately product here. Warranty: two years. Manual: included.


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