Kargon es una increíble combinación de un juego de juego de mazmorras tradicional y un juego multijugador. Hasta cuatro jugadores pueden luchar entre sí, o simplemente dejar que la computadora sea tu oponente. Cada jugador recibe un cuarto de pantalla, en el que puede ver su posición en la mazmorra. En inglés.
Up to four players can fight against each other, or just let the computer be your opponent. Every player gets a screen-quarter, in which he can see his position in the dungeon. You play one out of ten mighty mages, and your aim is to steal all your opponents' life-energy, which you can see under every screen-quarter as a red bar. You can do this by casting several spells or by using magical artifacts. Every spell costs an amount of the testing-energy, which is represented by the yellow bar. It regenerates after a certain time. The game ends for the player who lost all its life-energy. The only player who remains is the winner.

• Amiga-Games 6/96:
"Endless possibilities, userfriendly controls and big fun to play accredit Kargon."
"Promises once more to become a habitforming hit."
"If you love 3D-Dungeons and if Dynablaster became an addiction, you can now look forward to a captivating mixture of both types of game."
"The pre-history of Kargon is being presented in an optically pleasing Intro"
• Amiga-Games 8/96: 84%
• Amiga-Special 2/3/97: An outstanding game! Danger, addictive!
System requirements:
• You can start 'Kargon' on every PAL-Amiga with at least 1 MB of memory, please take care, however, that you do not waste any CHIP-memory (e.g. by using a second or even third disk drive) unless you have more than enough of it.
• If you have more than 512K CHIP-memory there will be several animations more.
• Take care that you turn off running screen-savers so that your screen does not show some undefined data after a certain time.
• Code: Frank Wippermüller.
• Graphics: Florian König.
• Music: Christoph Rutsch.
• Misc: Carsten Scholz.
• Misc: Eric Hambuch.
• Misc: Mike Dobrindt.
Floppy disk version. Manual included.