
Furtum Sacrum

Re-stock: sold out. For any Amiga computer with 1MB of RAM. Furtum Sacrum is the new videogame from the Iron Gate team that places us in the late Middle Ages. Specifically, in the Northwest of Spain, where there are a number of pilgrimage routes and roads with a lots of monasteries flourishing everywhere. In English and Spanish language. Includes printed manual and instructions.

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So, what's Furtum Sacrum?

Furtum Sacrum is the new videogame from the IronGate team that places us in the late Middle Ages. Specifically, in the Northwest of Spain, where there are a number of pilgrimage routes and roads with a lots of monasteries flourishing everywhere. These monasteries offer services to pilgrims in exchange for alms, they also have their own sources of funding, their crops and local products.

Fortum Sacrum Fortum Sacrum Fortum Sacrum


Main Story:

We are in the high middle ages, in the Northwest of Spain, where there are a number of pilgrimage routes and roads with a lots of monasteries flourishing everywhere. These monasteries offer services to pilgrims in exchange for alms, they also have their own sources of funding, their crops and local products.
The Archbishop, in charge of ensuring the safety of pilgrims, have reports indicating that travelers are being assaulted in a near area close to a monastery, next to a ria. There are plenty suspicions that the monks of the place are giving shelter to the criminals who are behind these events. Unacceptable for senior positions in the Church. The Count was in favor of sending a troop of Crusaders to put an end to the evil-doers, but the Archbishop has managed to persuade the Count to send a small delegation composed by a wise monk and his apprentice to investigate the facts and thus, act accordingly.
Our protagonist is the monk in charge of make the inquiries that will discover the truth and so avoid the armed intervention that would prevent riots in the area, between the peasantry.

The Game Begins:

The friar and his novice arrive at the monastery and they are received by the Abbot, Abbot says it has received news of their arrival and is very happy about this visit, because they will help to clarify this mystery and give to the Archbishop and the Count good news about the crop management...
Abbot tell that a few days ago a monk and a novice were assaulted to a few leagues from the monastery and they remained devastated with the assault. William asks if it is possible to talk to them, the Abbot tells that it will be impossible, as they departed to continue the path that same morning, but another brother with the same experience will tell us...
He take us to the kitchen for a drink, we see there are soldiers in the kitchen. The Abbot tells us, Oh yes... here are our guests, the soldiers of the Count, these gentleman are here are to ensure order. The knight came close to us and look at us while sputtering, oh boy, another monk, as if we didn't have enough in this place.
Well Lord Abbot who have we here? My Knight Lord Rodrigo Esquio, I present Fray William and his novice, they are foreigners, they come in the name of the Archbishop and the Count to audit the service of this monastery to the crown and the Holy Mother Church.

System Requirements:

• Compatible with any Commodore Amiga with 1mb of chip ram.
• 68020 processor recommeded.

English and Spanish manual. Includes printed game map.

© 2018 Iron Gate | Code & Gfx: JOJO073 | Music: Zoltar

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