
ZX-UNO+. ZX Spectrum based on FPGA

Re-stock: TBA. ZX Spectrum Computer based on FPGA. The ZX-UNO+ board uses modern hardware to implement classic computers platforms as the ZX-Spectrum.

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The ZX-Uno+ is a board that allows several computers to be implemented, mirroring the original hardware as close as possible. That is made possible by using an FPGA, that may be set up thanks to circuit definition languages such as VHDL or Verilog.

Although it was originally designed to clone Sinclair’s ZX Spectrum and probably that computer implementation is the most complete one, ZX-Uno+ may also implement some other computers and consoles (although due to space requirements, only 9 cores at once can be loaded). Those alternative cores are Sam Coupe, Jupiter Ace, Apple II, Acorn Atom, BBC Micro, Acorn Electron, Oric Atmos and VIC-20, together with implementations for Master System, NES and Atari 2600 consoles.

The ZX-Uno+ board is designed with same form factor than the original Raspberry Pi model A, having most of its connections placed at same place, allowing us to use boxes designed for that Raspberry Pi with minimal modifications.
The ZX-Uno+ FPGA is a Spartan-6, with features that can target mainly 8 bits consoles and computers.

ZX-UNO - Lineal Draw



• FPGA Xilinx Spartan XC6SLX9-2TQG144C
• Static Memory 512Kb, AS7C34096A-10TIN
• 50MHz Oscillator
• EAR Superfo Circuit (one transistor)
• Circuit AD724 based video with 4.43MHz/3.58Mhz crystals
• USB port for keyboard
• USB port for mouse
• RCA connector for composite video
• Stereo audio out jack
• EAR jack input connector
• RJ45 for RGB (Scart and VGA adapters available as option).
• DB9 joystick/mouse signals on the expansion port.
• Slot for SD Cards
• Expansion port with 3 male pin strips.
• Micro-USB power connector
• PCB Size: 86x56 mm compatible with Raspberry Pi cases (custom case available as option)

ZX-UNO - Technical Scheme


Firmware & other utilities:

All software, firmware and bitstreams avaliables for load into FPGA are on McLeod's repository:

(User: guest - Pass: zxuno)

ZX1ROMPACK ROMS.ZX1 Creator/Editor:

• Utility for edit and create ROM files for the ZX-Uno.
• Link to forum with explanations about this software.

Developed by Quest

ZEsarUX v7.0 Official ZX-Uno emulator:

• Multiplatform emulator of Sinclair systems.
• Machines: ZX Spectrum, ZX-Uno, MK-14, ZX80, ZX81, QL, Z88, Timex TS2068, Sam Coupe, Pentagon, Chloe, Chrome, Prism, ZX Evolution, Spectrum Next, Jupiter Ace, Amstrad CPC 464.
• Open source and free.
YouTube channel.

Developed by César Hernández Bañó.

SDK Radastan for ZX Spectrum/ZX-Uno:

• Based on the compiler Z88DK, the kit allows to develop games and applications in C language.
• Compatible with ZX-Spectrum standard graphics mode.
• Specific functions (0.3 beta) for Radastanian Mode.

SDK "Original" ZX-Spectrum.
SDK Radastanian Mode (0.3 beta).
Tutorial original Radastan (ZIP+PDF).
Zona de Pruebas Radastanian Mode Forum (ES).
Mojon Twins Forum.

For more info, manuals & other related stuff, please visit the project web page: and

Warranty: two years. Manual: not included.

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