
Interfaz MIDI para Amiga

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31,50 € IVA incl.

Interfaz MIDI KA12 para ordenadores Amiga.

Conecta dispositivos MIDI a tu Amiga con este adaptador.

KA12 MIDI interface


  • 1 ×MIDI IN, 1 × MIDI OUT.
  • Dur­able met­al die cast DIN 5 plugs with rub­ber strain re­liefs.
  • Cable length: 1.4 meter (4.5 ft) each.
  • In­ter­face is con­tained in­side seri­al port DB25 plug.
  • Dur­able con­struc­tion, mod­ern elec­tron­ic design, SMD moun­ted.
  • Fast op­to­coupler with high cur­rent trans­fer ra­tio.
  • Fully com­pat­ible with ex­ist­ing soft­ware, no ad­di­tion­al drivers needed.
  • Wrong con­nec­tion (in­put to in­put, out­put to out­put) is not dan­ger­ous to hard­ware, but ob­vi­ously won't work.
  • Pro­grams (usu­ally games) send­ing MIDI mes­sages dir­ectly to Amiga seri­al port, work with KA12 without any driver.
  • Pro­grams ac­cess­ing MIDI through camd.lib­rary do not need any drivers for KA12 as well. Seri­al port in­ter­face driver is em­bed­ded in camd.lib­rary.
  • The lib­rary is usu­ally in­stalled with MIDI ap­plic­a­tions, it may be also down­loaded from Aminet.

Requisitos: cualquier ordenador Commodore Amiga.

Garantía: tres años.

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