Amiga Future issue 162 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
Domkid (Maria Renard's Revenge)
Show Report:
Treffen Berlin
Playfield, Boxx, Settle World
Board game vs Amiga - Hero Quest, Ring around the World, Operacion Fallida, Mission La Luna, Maria Renard's Revenge, Geos Quest, CroMag Rally, Hollywood 10, Aminet News, Image2PDF, AmigaOS 3.2.2, Amiga 37 DVD, Prelude ZII recreated 2022, AmiFox
Trevors Soapbox, Amiga Future 25 Years part 3, Demo Scene
AmigaOS4 SDK Practice
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Cover CD Contents
CD-ROM contents:
• Extras: Dead Metal 2.
• AmigaOS 4: AmiArcadia, AmyStromWiFiSwitch, CardsMakingKit, HLE Poker Card, Image2PDF_V1.4, Seq, Sylpheed-3.0.3r3, VAMP, VindentiumPicta, VintageSongPlayer, ScummVM
• AROS: CardsMakingKit, HLE Poker Card, Image2PDF_V1.4, VAMP, VindentiumPicta, VintageSongPlayer
• Classic: AmiArcadia, AmiGemini, AmiModRadio, Avalanche, MCE
• MorphOS: AmiSSL, AnimWebConverter, CardsMakingKit, HLE Poker Card, Image2PDF_V1.4, VAMP, Vim, VindentiumPicta, VintageSongPlayer, X-Moto, dRally
• Multimedia: Demos
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