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Amiga Future issue 153 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
Thomas Römer
Furtum Sacrum Adventure, Ms Pacman, The Shadows of Sergoth, Board Game vs Amiga - The Adventures of Robin Hood, Ad Cosmos Ex Terra, OilWorker, PCMCIA-CF Adapter, Aminet News, Pixy, Matze 68030-TK2, A3660, Terrible Fire 1230, RGB-to-HDMI (RGB2HDMI), SDBox
Trevors Soapbox, A Note from the Editor, Museo Arcade Vintage Ibi.
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Cover CD Contents
CD-ROM contents:
• Extras: Franko, GravityForce2, Taekwando .
• AmigaOS 4: AmiArcadia, Darkest Hour, FlashMandelNG_OS4, HappyBirthdayeCard, MediaVault, Oil Worker, PassPocket, ScummVM
• AROS: Darkest Hour, HappyBirthdayeCard, HarmonyPlayer, ModExplorer, Protrekkr, brickshooter
• Classic: AMICUBE, GuideML, MusicMaker_V8, Poker, PuzzleBalls, Tressette, darkest-hour2
• MorphOS: AmiArcadia, Darkest-Hour, HappyBirthdayeCard, ModExplorer, NoMoreToxicMan!!!, OpenTTD, PassPocket, ScummVM
• Multimedia: Demos
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