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Amiga Future issue 148 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
Christian Weber, Jacek "jacadcaps" Piszczek
Wiz: Quest For The Magic Lantern, Vegetables Deluxe, Crystals of Arborea, AmiKit XE for Vampire, Wayfarer, Aminet News, AmiCygnix 1.6 Programs, Bifrost A1200 Heimdall Edition, vAmiga, Matze TK68EC020, Nightwalk
Trevors Soapbox, Lessons Learned - A Long Way to Go, Combitec Clock 77, Demo Scene .
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Cover CD Contents .
Graphic Setup for mySync .
Contenido del CD-ROM:
• Extras: The Queen's Footsteps
• AmigaOS 4: AmiArcadia, Crono, DisplayBeep, EvenMore, Fractal Voyager, openal, ReportPlus, residualvm, Shaderjoy, SSHTerm, StarDict, Sumeria, SWitch, Tipografia, Vim
• AROS: Ami-PlayMOD, Bad_Apple, Crono, DisplayBeep, Fractal Voyager, Griffon, Janus-UAE2, meritous, OpenTyrian, Sumeria, Vim
• Classic: AmiArcadia, annotate_pascal_syntax, DockBot, EvenMore, PointerEyes, REDPILL, Sendai, setcustomprinter, Sumeria, twittAmiga
• MorphOS: AmiArcadia, BootClock, CandyCrisis, cc65, Crono, EasyRPG, EvenMore, Fractal Voyager, iConecta, TechnoBallZ, Tipografia, Vim, WitchCleaner
• Multimedia: Demos
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