Amiga Future issue 146 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
Sword of Sodan, Xenomorph, Missile Command, Mini Zorro, Ludicrus, RTFG, BlitzWays, Aminet News, OS4 Depot News, AmiCygnix 1.6, Red Pill, Pass Pocket
Trevors Soapbox, Making of... Freds Journey, Speedrun: King's Quest: Quest for the Crown, AmigaOS 3.1.4 - These Are Our Tools, Monitors for the Amiga, The Adapter Question, Demo Scene .
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Letters to the Editor, Covers CD Contents .
Lüttje Bookholler .
Contenido del CD-ROM:
• Extras: Missile Command, Sword of Sodan
• AmigaOS 4: Acuario2020, AmigaAMP3,BBQuote, FPC, GemRB, PassPocket, RFTG, RNOPublisher, Shaderjoy
• AROS: Africa, ETRacer, metaDiary, RNOPublisher, Spacejunk, VAMP, Violetland
• Classic: AmigaAMP3, AWeb, ChickenCoop, Eagleplayer, Morpheus, MUIbase, RNOPublisher, ViNCEd
• MorphOS: Acuario2020, AmiBlitz3, AmiSSL, MCAmiga, MUIbase, Omanko!, OpenSupaflex, RNOPublisher
• Multimedia: Demos
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