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Motorola MC68030RC50C CPU.
The MC68030 processor at 50 MHz is the fastest Motorola 68030 CPU. It was produced using 0.8 micron technology, and implemented in several computers as the Amiga, the Atari, the NeXT, or Sun Microsystems workstations. Also in some devices as Amiga and Atari accelerators, or laser printers.
Note most of MC68030 50 MHz processors available on the market have been relabeled by the Asian distributors. For this reason, each processor is carefully tested at 50Mhz on Amiga hardware and it is fully warranted.
• 50Mhz.
• MMU included.
• 128 pin ceramic PGA package.
• NOS (new old stock).
• Fully tested and warranted.
Manual: not included. Warranty: two years.
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