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Amiga Future issue 167 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
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Passione Amiga Day 2023.
Michael Kafke (ASM Game)
Playfield, Jari-Matti Rally.
The last Dungeon, Adventure 1 & 2, Jack the Pit, Spheroid, Ami-H.E.R.O., Stuntman Seymour, Board Game vs Amiga: Darts, FS-UAE 3.1, Frotz, Aminet News, Santa´s Workout III - Silent Night, Denise – ITX Amiga 500, Super Delivery Boy: The Holiday Shift, Amiblaster Clockport Edition, Pi Storm #2, Book PHP 8 and MySQL, Veteran.
Trevors Soapbox, Demoscene: Soil, Knight Chips.
Dynamic websites with PHP.
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Cover CD Contents
CD-ROM contents:
• Extras: Fatman, FontMachine3.zip, Wheelspin, X-DVE_350_CD.zip
• AmigaOS 4: AmiArcadia, FontTester, MCE, NallePuh, NetSurf, Protrekkr, RNOEffects_OS4, ReportPlus, Seq, SimpleSub, WormWars, iConecta
• AROS: FontTester, MCC_TheBar, RNOEffects_AROS, WCS, WormWars, iConecta
• Classic: AmiArcadia, AmiWeatherForecasts1.5, Amix560, FastExec30, MCE, MeetBall, MorsConv-2.1, RNOEffects_68k, ReportPlus, WormWars, heif-convert
• MorphOS: AIOstreams, AmiArcadia, CircusLinux, FontTester, MCE, Omanko!, RNOEffects, ReportPlus, WormWars, iConecta
• Multimedia: Demos Imprint, CoverCD content.
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