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Amiga Future issue 147 in full color and cover CD-ROM with software and content for Amiga.
Davide Bucci, Marcin Rönndahl
uMario, Eight Feet Under & Two Days to the Race, Super Wormy, Tiny Booble, Smarty and the Nasty Gluttons, Aminet News, Amiga Power - The Album with Attitude, Keyboard Membrane Replacement, A314, Book: The Silicon Valley Story, Book: Spielkonsolen und Heimcomputer (Game Consoles and Home Computers)
Trevors Soapbox, Making of Amiga Future TV, In Search of an Amiga CD32, 68k CPUs and Their Counterfeits, Demo Scene, A Big Monitor on the Amiga .
Editorial, Contents, News, Imprint, Letters to the Editor, Cover CD Contents .
Synchronising Partitions #2 - How to Do It, Synchronising Partitions #3 - How to Program .
Contenido del CD-ROM:
• Extras: Pinball Hazard, Rockstar
• AmigaOS 4: ABKViewer, Fractal Voyager, PassPocket, Pidgin, ReportPlus, ScummVM, Sumeria, Sylpheed, Tipografia, Vim
• AROS: botud, IceBreaker, jigzo, MCAmiga, NC-Fighter, Sumeria, Vim, WormWars
• Classic: AmySequencer, AnalogClock, deark, HD-Rec, MCAmiga, PassPocket, REDPILL, ReportPlus, Sumeria, UberCassette, Umoria
• MorphOS: AtomicBomberman, deark, Dopus5, MCAmiga, OpenTTD, PassPocket, ReportPlus, RNORadio, ScummVM, Umoria, Vim, WormWars, ZVNC r
• Multimedia: Demos
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