Our DF0 Selector turns your external floppy disk drive (DF1) into an internal unit (DF0). The new version with longer pins lets you fit the adapter in any type of socket, even the non-standard type.
The switch included with our DF0 selector offers two possibilities:
When you set the switch to "ON", the external unit starts working as an internal unit. The internal unit will then be disabled.
When you set the switch back to "OFF", you go back to the default settings. All floppy drives will work as usual (internal unit as DF0 and any external unit as DF1/DF2/etc).
This new version includes a switch & cable to change your selection without needing to open the computer, but also a jumper that is very useful if you prefer do not leave the switch out the computer.
Kickstart 1.3 does boot from DF1. With Kickstart 2.x/3.x you can start from an external unit (DF1), but in both cases the most of the games will boot only if the floppy drive is inserted in DF0, no matter whether you have Kickstart 2.x/3.x or not.
Our DF0 selector solves this issue. It works works on any Amiga 500/500+/2000/3000* regardless of the Kickstart version. Also it is compatible with floppy disk drive emulators as the Gotek or the HxC.
(*) On the A3000 you will need to rightly set the A3000 motherboard jumpers.
Warranty: three years. Manual: included.
Please note board is distributed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Designed by Jussi Kilpeläinen and manufactured in house by AMIGAstore.